Presentation, Plenary Session III. - Vijay Chandru
Vijay Chandru
13 éve - 16:24
The Greening of Chemistry
Prof. Richard A. Mathies
13 éve - 17:24
Our Changing Planet
Sir Brian Hoskins
13 éve - 16:45
Werner Arber
13 éve - 5:15
International Science in 2031
John Marks
13 éve - 26:36
Overcoming Knowledge Divides The Future of Social
Francoise Caillods
13 éve - 22:42
A Social Contract for Sustainability
Dr. Prof. Nebojsa Nakicenovic
13 éve - 18:47
Commentaries and questions
13 éve - 48:37
Session Introduction
13 éve - 2:36
Capacity Building in Education – can small
Dr. Kari Raivio
13 éve - 15:38
Building Capacity for Science, Technology and
Prof. Romain Murenzi
13 éve - 16:12
Presentation, Plenary Session II. - Gebisa Ejeta
Prof. Gebisa Ejeta
13 éve - 16:06