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World Science Forum 2019

World Science Forum 2019 (39)

The World Science Forum series was inspired by the success of the prestigious meeting "World Conference on Science for the Twenty-First Century: a New Commitment", held between 26 June to 1 July 1999 in Budapest, Hungary and convened by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the International Council for Science (ICSU), in co-operation with other partners.  

Driven by the need for a forum for discussion between the scientific community and society, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in partnership with UNESCO, ICSU and AAAS established a series of follow-up events called World Science Forum, taking place biennially in Budapest.

több kevesebb

Keynote lecture: 20 years of Science Diplomacy

Dr. Gulyás Balázs
Dr. Elmer William Colglazier Jr
5 éve - 29:29

Plenary session V. Parliamentary Plenary Session |

Prof. Teruo Kishi
Prof. Carole Mundell
Dr. Elmer William Colglazier Jr
Dr. Simge Davulcu Menket
H. E. Bogyay Katalin
Prof. Elisa Reis
5 éve - 1:29:23

Plenary session: Endorsement of the Declaration

Dr. Bonginkosi Nzimande
Lovász László
Dr. Gulyás Balázs
5 éve - 33:48