Thematic Sessions III. d. Climate Justice for Managing Climate Change Risks on Health
Thematic Sessions III. d. Climate Justice for Managing Climate Change Risks on Health
Organised by: International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), European Academies Science Advisory Council (EASAC) Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Reading Room Abstract: Ethical issues are at the centre of research to help tackle the Sustainable Development Goals. How much burden will be placed on future generations by today’s consumption and production decisions that lead to changes in the climate system over decades and centuries; how much solidarity should we expect today to assist those who are most vulnerable? Moreover, issues of scientific integrity and quality are fundamental to ensuring decisions can be made on the best available information. This session, organised by EASAC and IIASA, focuses on climate change. Tackling climate change is the focus of SDG 13 and will also play an important role in countries’ efforts to achieve many of the other SDGs. With accelerating climate change there is increasing evidence on limits to adaptation in natural and social systems. What are the issues for climate justice in dealing with the risks imposed on the most vulnerable worldwide, particularly with regard to health? Recent research insights will be presented on climate risk responsibility and governance, the interplay of justice and transformation, and social insurance mechanisms that explicitly integrate justice aspects, relevant to the loss and damage debate. Research examples from a recent EASAC European project will describe priorities for particular vulnerable groups, including the elderly, young, sick, and migrants, and the global responsibilities of the EU. Discussion will be encouraged to examine the concern about inadvertent consequences – the potential for climate change mitigation and adaptation actions to exacerbate health inequity – and on how to tackle misinformation that undermines the urgency of political action. How should the scientific community work together and with other stakeholders worldwide to extend exploration of the issues for climate, equity, and health, to show where there is consensus and to stimulate policy development? Moderator: Volker ter Meulen, President, IAP Speaker: Robin Fears, Biosciences Programme Director, EASAC Thomas Schinko, Research Scholar, Risk and Resilience Programme, International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Joanne Linnerooth-Bayer, Acting Programme Director Risk and Resilience, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Maria Nilsson, Associate Professor and Research fellow, Umeå University Rapporteur: Zsóka Vásárhelyi, postdoctoral fellow, Centre for Ecological Research