Social sciences
Communication sciences (26)
Cultural studies (3)
Economics (57)
Educational sciences (45)
Geography (3)
Juridical sciences (18)
Political sciences (778)
Psychological sciences (4)
Sociology (3)

Plenary session: Opening addresses
Dr. Bonginkosi Nzimande
Prof. Federico Mayor
Dr. Balázs Gulyás
PhD. Orsolya Pacsay-Tomassich 5 years ago - 46:16

Keynote lecture: 20 years of Science Diplomacy
Dr. Balázs Gulyás 5 years ago - 29:29

UnEarthing - The responsibility of science in

Keynote Lecture I. Are There Ethical Limits to
Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg 5 years ago - 35:23

Thematic Sessions II. a. Open Science - The Future
Dr. Antonio Andreu
Dr. Heide Hackmann
Prof. Tolullah Oni
Dr. Ghaith Fariz
Dr. Marcos Regis da Silva
Dr. David Mellor 5 years ago - 1:35:36

Plenary Session II. The Ethics of Science Funding
Prof. Mohammed Hassan
József Pálinkás
Dr. Bonginkosi Nzimande
Prof. Michinari Hamaguchi 5 years ago - 1:28:53

Thematic Sessions IV. b. Beyond SDGs - Science for
Dr. Miyoko Watanabe
Dr. Lucilla Spini
Dr. Bonginkosi Nzimande
Koji Saeki
Dr. Nathalie Fomproix 5 years ago - 1:30:09

Keynote Lecture III. The Ethical Conduct of
Milica Momcilovic 5 years ago - 29:52

Plenary Session III. The Ethical Conduct of
Prof. Li Zhenzhen
Chieko Asakawa
Prof. Quarraisha Abdool Karim
Prof. Indira Nath
Milica Momcilovic 5 years ago - 1:33:55

Thematic Sessions III. b. Basic Sciences
Dr. Atish Dabholkar
Dr. Michele Zema
Dr. Michel Spiro
Prof. Sekazi Mtingwa
Dr. Sanja Damjanovic
Sumaya bint El Hassan 5 years ago - 1:42:48

Keynote Lecture II. The Ethics of Science Funding
France Córdova 5 years ago - 36:40

Keynote Lecture IV. Ethics in Science
Dr. James Gillies 5 years ago - 35:29