Thematic Sessions III. b. Basic Sciences Infrastructures for Ethical and Responsible Collaborative Development
Thematic Sessions III. b. Basic Sciences Infrastructures for Ethical and Responsible Collaborative Development
Organised by: International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP), International Union of Crystallography, The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Royal Scientific Society, Jordan (RSS), CERN, International Science Council (ISC), ICISE, Dhofar University Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Ceremonial Hall Abstract: We will discuss how basic sciences institutions are taking on the international roles to support basic research and education in science-lagging countries, and the ethical reasons as to why institutions take on these endeavours to support scientists worldwide. Basic Sciences have shown the way to build large, inclusive, collaborative, responsible and ethical collaborations for achieving a shared and common goal. They may serve as a model for common regional or global public works and for sustainable development. International basic science projects help to bring nations together for a common purpose, strengthen science communities, and reinforce the position of science in political and national discourses. Moderators (confirmed): Michele Zema, Executive Outreach Officer, International Union of Crystallography Michel Spiro, President Designate, International Union of Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) Speakers (confirmed): Her Royal Highness Sumaya bint El Hassan, President, Royal Scientific Society of Jordan (RSS) Herwig Schopper, Former Director General, CERN Sekazi Mtingwa, Chair of Executive Committee, LAAAMP (Lightsources for Africa, the Americas, Asia and Middle East Project) Executive Committee Atish Dabholkar, Director, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) Sanja Damjanovic, Minister of Science, Government of Montenegro Rapporteur: Dávid Beke, 29-33. Konkoly-Thege MIklós street, Wigner RCP Photo: