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Ön a Pro-M Zrt védett információs rendszerét kívánja használni.
A 7/2024 MK rendelet alapján a rendszer használatát megfigyelhetik, rögzíthetik, naplózhatják.
A rendszer jogosulatlan használata tilos és büntető- vagy polgári jogi felelősséggel jár.
A rendszer használata az előbbiekben részletezett feltételek elfogadását jelenti.

Ön a Pro-M Zrt. nyilvános rendszerét kívánja használni.
A 7/2024 MK rendelet alapján a rendszer használatát megfigyelhetik, rögzíthetik, naplózhatják.
A rendszer jogosulatlan használata tilos és büntető- vagy polgári jogi felelősséggel jár.

World Science Forum 2003

World Science Forum 2003 (36)

Knowledge and society
The Word Science Forum was held in Budapest on November 8-10, 2003. It was successful in providing an opportunity for the diverse community of science to present and discuss what is at issue in the world of science today, and to begin to aim its efforts towards effective collaboration with the communities of society it serves. The WSF Budapest - 2003 promoted interdisciplinary action. It provided a platform for debate and interaction amongst its 400 participants from 80 countries, including: leading world scientists, policy makers, non-governmental organizations, educational and research establishments, leaders of culture and industry, and the general public. Meaningful discussion was initiated by keynote speakers, and then further encouraged by follow-up sessions. The Forum focused on themes of knowledge and economy, science, quality of life, environment, and information, which can be further explored under Session Summaries. As a result of the conference, the participants agreed upon a series of General Conclusions, and made the commitment for continued collaboration.

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Opening greetings

E. Szilveszter Vizi 15 years ago - 6:18

Opening greetings

Ferenc Mádl 15 years ago - 12:41

Opening greetings

Achilleas Mitsos 15 years ago - 4:05

Opening greetings

Walter Erdelen 15 years ago - 8:04

Opening greetings

Goverdhan Mehta 15 years ago - 7:46

Knowledge, Science and Economic growth: A European

Alexander Lámfalussy 15 years ago - 39:47

Do Medical Advances Improve the Quality of Life?

Harvey V. Fineberg 15 years ago - 25:21

Knowledge, society and development in the 21st

Goverdhan Mehta 15 years ago - 33:14

Speech of the former prime minister

H. E. Viktor Orbán 15 years ago - 16:15

Knowledge, science and research in the EU in the

Achilleas Mitsos 15 years ago - 33:11

Knowledge and action - environment and sustainable

Julia Marton-Lefévre 15 years ago - 25:18

Challenges for Computing and Information

William A. Wulf 15 years ago - 29:11