Opening Ceremony - MÜPA
Opening Ceremony - MÜPA (6)
Concert Part I. Venue: Müpa Budapest, Béla Bartók National Concert Hall Abstract: Orchestrated by: Edina Szirtes "Mókus" Perfomed by: Edina Szirtes "Mókus" (looper, violin, song), Mihály Dresch (wind and folk music instruments), Miklós Lukács (cimbalom), Modern Art Orchestra, Lautitia Choir, Debrecen (conductor: József Nemes) (more) Performers: Edina Szirtes Mihály Dresch Modern Art Orchestra Lautitia Mixed Youth Choir and Lautitia Chamber Choir Photo:

Opening ceremony - Concert Part I.

Plenary Session: Opening addresses
Dr. Bonginkosi Nzimande
Dr. Margaret A. Hamburg
Prof. Daya Reddy
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle
János Áder
H.E. António Guterres 5 years ago - 52:03

Plenary session: UNESCO Kalinga Prize for the

Plenary session: UNESCO Sultan Qaboos Prize for
Shamila Nair-Bedouelle 5 years ago - 25:47

Keynote lecture: Science, Ethics and