Thematic Sessions I. d. The urgent responsibiltiy of science to support SDGs
Thematic Sessions I. d. The urgent responsibiltiy of science to support SDGs
Organised by: UNESCO, InterAcademy Partnership, The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), International Science Council (ISC), Global Young Academy Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Small Lecture Hall Abstract: 2019 is a milestone year for the UN's Agenda 2030, the 15 year blueprint for the world's social, economic and environmental development. In July 2019, the quadrennial Global Sustainable Development Report will report to the UN High Level Political Forum: prepared for the first time by an independent group of scientists, the report will give a systemic, holistic account of the transformations required to realize the SDGs, and how to turn vicious into virtuous cycles. In September 2019, the UN General Assembly will review progress on the implementation of the SDGs in the four years since they were adopted by all Member States. It will also agree the process for the next reporting and review period. Two months on, the WSF can provide a timely opportunity to reflect on these processes and what they mean for science. Responses will be provided from representatives of two mechanisms introduced by the UN specifically to feed science into the SDGs; unique innovations for Agenda 2030 that recognize the vital importance of STI for the realization of the SDGs. These are the UN Technology Facilitation Mechanism (TFM) and the Technology Bank for the Least Developed Countries (TBLDC). Together with the already existing STI-related work of the UN specialized agencies, such as UNESCO, ITU, WIPO, WHO, FAO and others, these mechanisms are intended to strengthen STI for the SDGs. Finally, recognizing that the 2030 Agenda and the SDGs are still unknown to young researchers, this session will serve as a starting point to define new strategies to help young researchers seize the opportunities and addresses the challenges of working on science for sustainable development and actively engaging in research for the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda. Moderator (confirmed): Nazar Mohamed Hassan, Senior Science & Technology Regional Advisor, UNESCO Regional Bureau for Sciences in the Arab States Speakers (confirmed): Eeva Furman, Director, Environment Policy Centre of the Finnish Environment Institute Joshua Setipa, Managing Director, UN Technology Bank for Least Developed Countries Teresa Stoepler, Executive Director, InterAcademy Partnership for Policy (IAP) Javier García Martínez, President-elect, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) Hazir Elhaj, TWAS fellow, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sudan University of Science and Technology Heide Hackmann, CEO, International Science Council Rapporteur: Brigitta Hidvéghiné Pulay, Advisor, Advisor Photo: