InnoDiákok Fóruma 2013
11 éve - 1:48:08
Természetes laboratóriumok: a mágneses baktériumok
Dr. Pósfai Mihály
11 éve - 38:49
Darwin a mindennapokban
Pál Csaba
14 éve - 49:15
Understanding and conserving ecosystem services of
Natalia Lukina
15 éve - 09:09
Biodiversity - Options Exercise
Dennis Meadows
15 éve - 4:29
On the relationship between biodiversity,
Brendan MacKey
15 éve - 29:34
Science Advising Government on Climate Change
Láng István
15 éve - 18:31
The Science in the Environmental Governance
Prof. RNDr. Miklós László
15 éve - 15:47
Leaving the Crude Oil Underground - Ecuadorian
H.E. Juan Salazar Sancisi
15 éve - 15:10
Summary and Conclusions: The Future of the
Brendan MacKey
15 éve - 6:19
Panel Discussion II.
15 éve - 21:22
Global Warming in the 21st Century and Kyoto in
André Berger
15 éve - 26:40