World Science Forum 2009
Closing Plenary Session (15)Plenary Session - Forum of global science fora (9)
Science diplomacy (9)
Mobilizing policy for science - Science for policy to address global challenges (22)
Science and youth (11)
Plenary Session - Science communication (4)
Plenary Session - Moving forward (7)
Science and technology foresight and innovation policy for sustainability (8)
Science and ecosystem services - sustainability in nature (9)
Science funding in a changing global economy (12)
Women in science (9)
Plenary Session - 1999-2009: Ten years after the World Conference on Science (7)
Plenary Session (12)

Opening address

Opening address

Letter of Irina Bokova UNESCO's elected director

Opening address

Opening address

Session introduction

The Role of Science and Politics in Sustainable

Securing Human Wellbeing in a Resource Constrained

President's panel

President's panel

Prize for UNESCO director-general
Dr. Hiller István 15 éve - 11:27