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Thematic Sessions II. c. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Global Considerations and Potential for Africa


Thematic Sessions II. c. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence - Global Considerations and Potential for Africa

Organised by:  UNESCO
Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Library Conference Hall

Session description Innovation through Artificial Intelligence (AI), an interdisciplinary domain, combining computer science, mathematics and cognitive science, has started changing our economies and ways of life. In terms of ethics, rights and freedom, AI raises a number of issues, such as the principle of transparency, the collection, management and use of data, the design principles of AI technologies, the consequences on human relations, the question of accountability, the impacts on the environment, the adaptation to the socio-economic and cultural realities and specificities. The potential of AI for development and education, as well as its ethical implications are of particular relevance for Africa. UNESCO, based on its multidisciplinary expertise, its action in the real of AI and its strategy for Priority Africa, has placed itself as a leader in the reflection on the development of AI in Africa. Building on the outcomes of the first African Forum on “Artificial Intelligence in Africa” held in Benguérir (Morocco) in December 2018, there is no doubt that there is need to promote AI in Africa as a lever for development, centered on the human dimension and anchored in universal ethical principles, as well as in the standards of human rights. This round table will highlight the main challenges and opportunities in terms of ethics in the development of AI more broadly and in the African context in particular. It will also increase visibility of the debate that has started on the continent, and stimulate networking and international cooperation.
Moderator (confirmed):

    Atish Dabholkar, Director, Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)

Speakers (confirmed):

    Jana El-Baba, Programme Specialist, Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO Cairo Office
    Dorothy Gordon, Chair, Information for All Programme (IFAP), UNESCO
    Bunmi Banjo, Managing Director, Kuvora Inc.
    Stephanie Ajwan'g, Founder, Under the Microscope
    Lucilla Spini, Senior Science and Policy Officer, International Science Council (ISC)


    Zsuzsanna Biedermann, research fellow, Institution of World Economics



több kevesebb

World Science Forum 2019, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Library Conference Hall

Tudomány és társadalom


Dr. Atish Dabholkar (moderátor)
Jana El-Baba (előadó)
Dorothy Gordon (előadó)
Bunmi Banjo (előadó)
Stephanie Ajwan'g (előadó)
Dr. Lucilla Spini (előadó)


2019. november 21.

Videotorium admin

2019. december 5.

<iframe width="480" height="385" src="//mta.videotorium.hu/hu/embed/35357" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>

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