Thematic Sessions II. b. Responsible Research and Innovation and Research Integrity: Across the Globe and Across Society
Thematic Sessions II. b. Responsible Research and Innovation and Research Integrity: Across the Globe and Across Society
Organised by: International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICORSA), Global Young Academy, Future Earth, Young Earth System Scientists Community (YESS), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Department of Science and Innovation, South Africa (DSI), UNESCO Venue: Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Small Lecture Hall Abstract: Please participate in our survey if you work in research or innovation globally! Opening and brief explanation of structure of session etc. (1 mins) Moderator: April Tash UNESCO (confirmed). Part A Introduction (20 minutes): What do we mean by: · Responsible Research and the RRING project Simge Davulcu ICoRSA (confirmed) (5mins) · Research integrity Dr. Skeef – NRF (South Africa) (confirmed) (5mins) · The Ethics and Citizen Science Steffen Fritz IIASA (confirmed) (5mins) (followup to choose either ethics or citizen science) · UNESCO Recommendation on Science and Scientific Researchers – April Tash UNESCO (confirmed) (5mins) Extended Introduction (30 mins): Elucidating some key aspects of Responsible Research / Research Integrity: o Open Access related to the Global South (Faten Attig Bahar-YESS ) confirmed (6mins) o Ethical collection and use of data (Steffen Fritz, IIASA (confirmed)) (6mins) Ø The contribution of citizen science to social transformation (Steffen Fritz, IIASA) (6mins) o Gender equality and diversity- GYA experience and practices during the selection process of new members (Maral Dadvar GYA (confirmed) (6mins) Part B: At least 6 tables needed in the set up. Round table discussion on pillars of RRI and variations of interpretation and action throughout the world. Each table would have 4-6 participants from the 5 global regions according to the UNESCO definition – 30 minutes • Europe/N Amercia • Latin america • Sub Saharan Africa • Asia • Arab states • Table 1: Diversity and Inclusion (Led by GYA Maral Dadvar (confirmed). • Table 2: Open access (Led by YESS Faten Attig Bahar (confirmed) ) • Table 3: Citizen science, ethics, integrity and social innovation (Led by Steffen Fritz, IIASA & Dr. Rocky Skeef NRF) • Table 4: Research performed and governed sustainably (sustainable governance) and environmentally (Led by M Nadim Adi (ICoRSA) & Mirabbos Hojamberdiev (GYA) & Future Earth representative remotely via Skype) • Table 5: Research careers – variations in conditions around the globe (Led by UNESCO-April Tash & ICoRSA-Erna Karalija & WAYS-Ola El Zein(confirmed). (Maybe a GYA member joins on the day). Closing remarks (1 mins). Moderator (confirmed): April Tash, Programme Specialist - Lead for the Recommendation on Science, UNESCO Speakers (confirmed): Iain Stewart, Head of External Relations, Communications, and Library Department (ERCL), International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Maral Dadvar, Executive Committee Member, Global Young Academy (GYA) Simge Davulcu Menket, Junior Co-Chair, International Consortium of Research Staff Associations (ICORSA) Steffen Fritz, Earth Observation and Citizen Science (EOCS) Center Head and Acting Program Director of Ecosystems Services and Management Program, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) Faten Attig-Bahar, Member of the Executive Board, Young Earth System Scientists Community (YESS) Ola El Zein, Board Member of Arab World Association of Young Scientists (WAYS); Head of Medical Library and Lecturer, American University of Beirut (AUB) Rocky Skeef, Executive Director, Reviews and Evaluation (RE)/Project Office, National Research Foundation, South Africa Rapporteur: Orsolya Valkó, research group leader, MTA-DE Lendület Seed Ecology Research Group Photo: